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Board Meeting Minutes November 2022

Board Meeting Minutes November 2022

Board Meeting Agenda — Tuesday 11/15/22 @ Red Lion Tavern

Roll Call: All of last board there except Gavin. All of new board except Tiffany, Eric, and Bob.

1) Next club meeting- December 6- Pot Luck/Bottle share format/Toy Drive 

2) Treasurer’s Report
● Finances doing well.
● How’s our swag inventory? What do we have? What’s the next swag?
● How’s the fundraising for the canopy? Are we close to reaching our goal?

3) Activities
● Oktoberfest recap:
o How many tickets were sold?
o Location for next year, do we want somewhere different next year?
● Spark of Love Toy Drive- Who will be presenting the gifts to the station
● Stuffed Sandwich Xmas Tasting:

● Mayfaire Party? When & where? Bob and Nicolai to look into Beach sites for weekend of May 20.. Ilan wants to be on that committee and take lead in finding place.
● Collabs for the 50th anniversary:
o Bravery-Done
o Transplants-
o Macleods– We shall see
o Highland Park-
o LBBL- Pending (Status) 
o Paperback-Pending (Status)
o Bruery-
o Enegren
o Naughty pine
o 8one8

4) Vice President
● Mayfaire Contest
o Saturday, 22 April at Lawless Brewing in North Hollywood
● DKM:
o Date & Location set for DKM? -Jan 28 @ MacLeods. This may not be possible if they close. If so, Drew said he’d contact Chris Enegren
o Prep for DKM – What's happening? Backup plan in case we lose Macleods
o Check in date? Geoff and Ilan to pick up beer at South Bay and Stienfillers. Ed at Monrovia.
o Who’s bringing the beer to the location,

5) Grand Hydro
● What are we drinking at the December meeting? Barley wine. John to get Tavern’s barley wine.
o big und boozy

6) Webmaster
● Has Dana updated the software for the comp? Yes.
● Are we all set for DKM entries and sign-ups?
7) Art Director
● Creating a recruiting poster to place on the shop floor and surrounding breweries.
9) Membership
● What are the numbers?
o Active Members: 134
o Renewals:
o New Members:
o Auto subscriptions:
● Any new discounts?
10) Publicity
● We need to find someone for the role. Share the publicity responsibilities among us until the seat is filled. Rick to ask at every club meeting. Meanwhile he’ll organize shop brews.
● Shop Brews
o November:
o Brewer: Rick & Ilan
o Style: Strong Ale
o Date: November 19
● December- pass? Yes
● January- Who wants to lead? Ed. Black IPA?
● Next Happy Hour: Arrow lodge
o Jan- Wild Fields or Bright Spark?

o Feb-
11) Newsletter

● When is the next one coming out? Submissions due when? New content?

12) Burger Meister
● December - Potluck
13) Secretary

● Anything new?
14) Other business?
● Stream our club meetings on YouTube instead of Zoom, easier for members to access.

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